First indicator–Title added entry
0 No title added entry
1 Title added entry
Second indicator–Nonfiling characters
0 Number of nonfiling characters present to 9
a Title (NR)
b Remainder of title (NR)
c Statement of responsibility/remainder of title page transcription (NR)
f Inclusive dates [Not applicable]
g Bulk dates [Not applicable]
h Medium (NR)
k Form [Not applicable]
n Number of part/section of a work (R)
p Name of part/section of a work (R)
s Version [Not applicable]
6 Linkage (NR)
Field 245 contains the title proper, general material designation (medium), remainder of title (i.e., other title information and parallel titles), and statement of responsibility. The title proper consists of the title and alternative title (subfield $a), and when present, the numeric or alphabetic designation of a part or section (subfield $n), and/or the name of the part or section (subfield $p).
Editing instructions
1. Input initial articles.
2. Always input a period at the end of the field regardless of other punctuation, unless the field ends with an abbreviation already followed by a period or a mark of omission.
245 00 Rubber world $h [microform].
245 00 Annual report for fiscal year
245 00 Cancer research : $b official organ of the American Association for Cancer Research, Inc.
First indicator
The first indicator regulates the generation of a title added entry. If no added entry is desired, input value "0"; if a title added entry is desired, input value "1". When a 1XX field is not present in the record (i.e., title is main entry), set the first indicator to value "0". If there is a 1XX field, always set the first indicator in field 245 to value "1".
130 0# Capitol notes (Washington, D.C.)
245 10 Capitol notes / $c National Association of Letter Carriers.
130 0# Japon artistique. $l Japanese.
245 10 Geijutsu no Nihon = $b Le Japon artistique.
Second indicator
The second indicator specifies the number of nonfiling characters to be ignored for sorting purposes. A diacritical mark or special character associated with the article is included in the count of nonfiling characters. Any diacritic or special character associated with the first filing character is not included in the count of non-filing characters.
245 12 A report to the legislature for the year ...
245 04 The year book of medicine.
245 12 L'enfant criminel.
245 13 al-Mostatraf.
245 18 The ... annual report to the Governor.
245 14 al-'Ālam al-'Arabī
245 12 L'été.
245 04 Hō Dionysos
Do not count diacritics or punctuation preceding the first word in the title when an initial article is not present.
245 10 -- and then there were none.
The most commonly used subfields in order of input are:
$a, $n, $p, $h, $b, $c
$a Title.
Subfield $a includes the title proper of the serial (without the name or number of a part), plus any alternative title(s).
245 10 Report of the Auditor-General on the accounts of the Meat Board for the financial year …
245 10 Proceedings /
245 00 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kochi University.
245 00 ETZ :
245 00 Farmer's museum, or, Literary gazette.
245 00 Sociaal maandblad ; Arbeid.
$n Number of part/section of a work.
The numeric or alphabetic designation generally consists of numbers, letters, or words or a combination of numbers, letters, or words. The numeric or alphabetic designation may precede a part title (subfield $p), or it may stand alone. Numbering is defined as an indication of sequencing in any form, e.g., Part 1, Series A, etc. Phrases such as "New series", when given in the title statement, are coded as subfield $n.
245 00 Emergency health series. $n A.
245 00 Bulletin analytique. $n 2e partie, $p Sciences biologiques, industries alimentaires, agriculture /
Subfield code $n is repeated when there are multiple numerical designations associated with the title proper.
245 00 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. $n 1. Abt. Originale. $n Reihe B, $p Hygiene, Krankenhaushygiene, Betriebshygiene, präventive Medizin.
245 00 Thesaurus musicus. $n Nova series. $n Série A, $p Manuscrits.
Subfield code $n is also repeated when the number of the part occurs in another language as part of a parallel title.
245 00 Kōchi Daigaku Kyōiku Gakubu kenkyū hokoku. $n Dai 3-bu = $b Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Kochi University. $n Series 3.
$p Name of part/section of a work.
Include in subfield $p section or part titles, titles of supplements, and sub-series titles which are not grammatically linked to the common title.
245 00 Historical statistics. $p Supplement /
245 00 Awareness list. $p Special series, literacy /
245 00 JWB circle. $p Jewish bookland /
245 00 NUC. $p U.S. books.
When the section title follows the title, it is preceded by a period. When it follows a section designation, it is preceded by a comma.
245 00 Daily report. $p Western Europe.
245 00 Dissertation abstracts. $n A, $p The humanities and social sciences.
Subfield code $p is repeated only when there are multiple parts associated with the title proper or with the parallel title. (See "Parallel titles" on p. 6).
245 00 Programme progress report. $p Service and support activities. $p High flux reactor.
Subfields $n and $p are repeated only when following a subfield $a, $b, $n or $p. If a title recorded in subfield $c includes the name and/or number of a part, those elements are not separately subfielded.
245 00 Annual report of the Minister of Supply and Services Canada under the Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act. $n Part II, $p Labour unions = $b Rapport annuel du ministre des Approvisionnements et services Canada présenté sous l'empire de la Loi sur les déclarations des corporations et des syndicats ouvriers. $n Partie II, $p Syndicats ouvriers.
$h Medium.
The medium, or general material designation (GMD) is used in AACR2 records for electronic resources, audiovisual materials, sound recordings, and microforms (Cf. LCRI 1.1C). For
This policy began in 1995. Prior to that time, the GMD was given only in AACR2 records.
reproduction microforms, it is used in all records, regardless of the rules by which they were created. The GMD follows the title proper (subfields $a, $n, $p) but precedes the remainder of title (subfield $b) and/or statement of responsibility (subfield $c). Input square brackets around the GMD.
245 04 The green bag $h [microform] : $b a useless but entertaining magazine for lawyers.
245 14 The royal gazette $h [microform] / $c New Brunswick.
245 00 CPD file $h [electronic resource] / $c National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
245 00 Audio journal review. $p General surgery $h [sound recording].
245 00 American business law journal $h [microform] : $b the official publication of the American Business Law Association.
245 00 Gentlemen's quarterly $h [microform] : $b GQ.
$b Remainder of title.
Subfield $b is used for other title information, parallel titles, and titles subsequent to the first for items lacking a collective title. Other title information is preceded by a space-colon-space ( : ). Parallel titles are preceded by a space-equals sign-space ( = ). Additional titles are preceded by a space-semicolon-space ( ; ). Subfield code $b is not repeated when more than one parallel title, other title information phrase, or additional title is given in the field.
245 00 Rock mechanics : $b journal of the International Society for Rock Mechanics = Felsmechanik.
245 10 Overview of programs for fiscal … ; $b Annual report for fiscal … / $c Japan Foundation.
Other title information is used according to the guidelines set forth in AACR2 12.1E1.
245 00 Colorado heritage : $b the journal of the Colorado Historical Society.
245 00 Ceramic forum international : $b CFI : Berichte der DKG.
245 00 Trade Union Fellowship Program : $b [announcement].
245 00 Dance around the bay : $b a directory of San Francisco Bay area dance & related resources.
Subfield $b follows the GMD ($h) when it is present in the field.
245 00 Estuaries $h [microform] : $b journal of the Estuarine Research Federation.
Subfield $b follows codes $n and/or $p.
245 00 Labor supply and demand. $p Spokane SMSA : $b a labor market information report of the Research and Statistics Branch, Washington State Employment Security Department / $c prepared in cooperation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Health.
Subfield $b precedes subfield $c when present.
245 00 Connections : $b news from the ADEAR Center / $c Alzheimer's Disease Education & Referral Center.
When subfield $b is used for an acronym or initialism that appeared with the full form of the title in the chief source, the acronym or initialism is also input in field 246.
245 00 Gentlemen's quarterly $h [microform] : $b GQ.
246 30 GQ
Parallel titles are also input in subfield $b. (See exception below.) When there is more than one parallel title, the subfield code is not repeated. Each parallel title is also input in field 246.
245 00 Animalsk production = $b Tiererzeugung = Animal production.
246 31 Tiererzeugung
246 31 Animal production
When each title consists of a common title and a part designation and/or title, subfield codes $n and $p are input after both subfields $a and $b. Other title information and statements of responsibility following parallel titles are not given separate subfield coding.
245 00 Journal of the Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo. $n Section IV, $p Zoology = $b Tōkyō Daigaku Rigakubu kiyō $n Dai 4-rui, $p Dobutsugaku.
Other title information is transcribed following the title to which it pertains.
245 00 International review of applied psychology : $b the journal of the International Association of Applied Psychology = Revue internationale de psychologie appliquée.
245 00 F.N.I.B. : $b organe de la Fédération nationale des infirmières belges = N.V.B.V. : tijdschrift van het Nationaal Verbond van Belgische Verpleegsters.
When a statement of responsibility ($c) precedes the parallel title, the parallel title is considered the remainder of title page transcription and is not separately subfielded. See subfield $c.
$c Statement of responsibility/Remainder of title page transcription.
Input a statement of responsibility preceded by a space-slash-space ( / ). Subfield $c, when present, is always the last subfield input in field 245 (with the exception of $6).
245 00 A : $b revista de la División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades / $c UAM Azcapotzalco.
245 00 Review paper / $c the University of New South Wales, Centre for Medical Education, Research, and Development [and] World Health Organization, Regional Teacher Training Centre for Health Personnel.
245 00 Project directory / $c TDC = Répertoire des projets / CDT.
When more than one statement of responsibility is associated with the same title proper, the second (and any other) is referred to as a subsequent statement of responsibility. Input a subsequent statement of responsibility preceded by a space-semicolon-space ( ; ); do not repeat the subfield $c.
245 00 Alumni directory / $c Millersville State College ; compiled and published by College & University Press.
Statements of responsibility are input after the title proper and other title information. When a common title and part designation and/or part title is transcribed, the statement of responsibility is input following the part designation and/or part title.
245 00 Management report. $n Part 1 / $c U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command.
In the case of parallel titles, corresponding statements of responsibility are input following the titles in the same language. When there is only one statement of responsibility, it follows all parallel titles. When a statement of responsibility is transcribed following the title proper in subfield $a, the parallel title(s) becomes the remainder of title page transcription. In this case the subfield $b is not input.
245 00 Fen Fakültesi dergisi. $n Seri B = $b Journal of the Faculty of Science. $n Series B / $c Ege University.
245 00 Bétail et volaille / $c Bureau des statistiques de Québec = Livestock and poultry / Quebec Bureau of Statistics.
Related fields, etc.
246, 500
Subfield Combinations
Following are serial titles displaying many of the allowable subfield combinations. This listing is drawn from records entered in the LC MARC data base from 1981 to 1984. Some of the combinations are rarely used, and other allowable combinations exist but are not shown. Special attention should be given to the order and repeatability of the subfield codes.
245 00
245 00
Cosmic search.
Index to European taxonomic literature for …
245 00
Cancer research : $b official organ of the American Association for Cancer Research, Inc.
245 00
245 00
245 00
245 00
Sosei to kakō : $b Nihon Sosei Kakō Gakkai shi = Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity.
Chung-kuo k'o hsüeh = $b Scientia sinica. $n Series A, $p Mathematical, physical, astronomical & technical sciences.
Shika rikōgaku zasshi = $b Journal of the Japan Society for Dental Apparatus and Materials : JDAM.
Prace Instytutu Sadownictwa w Skierniewicach = $b Trudy Instituta plodovodstva v Skernevitsakh--Pol'sha = Experimental works of the Institute of Pomology, Skiernjewice--Poland.
245 00
245 00
A : $b revista de la División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades / $c UAM Azcapotzalco.
Helsingin yliopiston talous- ja sosiaalihistorian laitoksen tutkimuksia = $b Research reports / $c Institute of Economic and Social History, University of Helsinki.
245 00
Zhongguo ke xue = $b Scientia sinica. $n Series A, $p Mathematical, physical, astronomical & technical sciences.
245 00
245 00
245 10
245 10
Highway archaeology in Wisconsin / $c by State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
Mississippi highway traffic report / $c prepared by the Mississippi State Highway Department, Transportation Planning Division ; in cooperation with U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
Outline of activities for … / $c Maharashtra State Electricity Board = Kāryācī rūpareshā / Mahārāshtra Rājya Vidyuta Mandala.
Program / $c the Eistophos Science Club of Washington, DC.
245 00
Securities regulation law journal $h [microform].
245 00
245 00
245 00
245 00
Canadian record catalogue $h [microform] = $b Catalogue de disques canadiens.
CISS $h [microform] : $b [serials list].
Journal of marketing research $h [microform] : $b JMR.
Journal of petroleum technology $h [microform] : $b JPT : official publication of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
245 10
245 00
245 00
UBC Data Library catalogue $h [microform] / $c [University of British Columbia Data Library].
Econoscope round table discussion $h [sound recording] / $c the Royal Bank of Canada.
Job safety & health $h [microform] / $c U.S. Department of Labor,Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
245 04
The bookman. $n Part B
245 00
245 04
ETZ. $n Ausgabe B : $b elektrotechnische Zeitschrift.
The Dacca University studies. $n Part-C : $b semi annual journal of the Faculty of Commerce.
245 00
Prace Wroclawskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. $n Seria A = $b Travaux de la Société des sciences et des lettres de Wroclaw. $n Seria A.
245 00
Research papers. $n Series E / $c Bureau of Social and Economic Research, Canadian Jewish Congress.
245 00
Proceedings. $n A. $n Part 1, $p Chemical sciences / $c Indian Academy of Sciences.
245 00
245 00
Clinical and experimental hypertension. $n Part B, $p Hypertension in pregnancy.
Excerpta medica. $n Section 4, $p Microbiology, bacteriology, mycology, parasitology.
245 00
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyūsyū University. $n Series A, $p Mathematics = $b Kyūshū Daigaku Rigakubu kiyō.
245 00
Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie. $n Ser. A, $p Meteorologie und Geophysik = $b Archives for meteorology, geophysics, and bioclimatology. $n Series A, $p Meteorology and geophysics.
245 00
Publikasies. $n Reeks III, $p Vakpublisies / $c Universiteit van Zoeloeland = Publications. Series III, Specialized publications / University of Zululand.
245 00
Current housing reports. $n Series H-150, $p Annual housing survey,United States and regions. $n Part A, $p General housing characteristics.
245 00
Estadística dominicana. $n Sección 331, $p Comercio. $p Comercio exterior.
245 00
Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane. $n Abt. 1, $p Zeitschrift für Psychologie. $p Ergänzungsband : $b Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie.
245 00
245 00
Foreign agriculture circular. $p World crop production.
Directory of industry data sources. $p Western Europe.
245 00
Tamkang journal. $p Science, engineering, and business = $b Danjiang xue bao. $p Li gong shang xue bu men.
245 00
Konferenzberichte. $p Kernforschung, Kerntechnik = $b Conference papers. $p Nuclear research, nuclear technology / $c Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik.
245 00
Solar photovoltaics. $p Quarterly update : $b a bibliography with abstracts / $c prepared by the Energy Information Program of the …
245 00
245 00
Corporation franchise tax. $p Number of corporations and reported tax liability by tax base / $c Ohio Department of Taxation.
Historical statistics. $p Supplement / $c OECD = Statistiques rétrospectives. Supplément / OCDE.
245 00
Microlog. $p Microfiche collections $h [microform] = $b Collections de microfiche.
245 00
Daily report. $p Western Europe $h [microform] / $c FBIS.
245 00
Best's executive data service. $p Property and casualty insurance. $n Report A2, $p Experience by state.
245 00
Deutsche Bibliographie. $p Wöchentliches Verzeichnis. $n Reihe B, $p Beilage, Erscheinungen ausserhalb des Verlagsbuchhandels : $b Amtsblatt der Deutschen Bibliothek.
245 00
245 00
Fact book. $p Philippine financial system. $p Supplement.
Publications of the University of Kuopio. $p Medicine. $p Series statistics and reviews.
245 00
Deutsche Bibliographie. $p Wochentliches Verzeichnis. $p Neuerscheinungen Sofortdienst (CIP) : $b Amstblatt der Deutschen Bibliothek.
245 00
The media audit. $p Corpus Christi, Texas. $p Quarterly report / $c International Demographics, Inc.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
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