Friday, March 19, 2010

3XX Physical Description, etc. Fields

300 Physical description (R)
First and second indicators
# Undefined
a Extent (R)
b Other physical details (NR)
c Dimensions (R)
d Accompanying material (NR) [Obsolete]
e Accompanying material (NR)
6 Linkage (NR)
Field 300 contains the physical attributes of an item as specified by the rules for the type of item. For printed serials, field 300 contains the number of parts, the presence of illustrations, the dimensions, and any regularly accompanying material. For non-print serials, other physical attributes, such as the presence of color, sound, or playing speed, may be given. For remote access computer file serials (e.g., electronic journals), no 300 field is given.

$a Extent.
When describing a serial that is not yet complete, provide the specific material designation in subfield $a. It is not necessary to provide three spaces preceding the designation, since print programs may provide them. For printed serials, the specific material designation is "v.". For sound and videorecordings, the extent of item may also include the playing time, if consistent from issue to issue.
300 ## v.
300 ## atlases
300 ## microfiches
300 ## sound cassettes
300 ## computer disks
300 ## computer optical discs
300 ## videocassettes (ca. 90 min.)
When describing a completed serial, indicate the number of parts in arabic numerals.
300 ## 6 v.
300 ## 5 computer optical discs
300 ## 15 microfilm reels
300 ## 88 microfiches
300 ## 7 videocassettes
$b Other physical details.
Subfield $b contains information that further specifies other physical characteristics of an item, such as identification of illustrative matter, coloration, playing speed, groove characteristics, presence and kind of sound, number of channels, etc. The description of other physical details is preceded by a space-colon-space ( : ).
300 ## v. : $b ill.
300 ## sound cassettes : $b analog, mono.
300 ## sound tape reels : $b analog, 19 cm/s, mono.
300 ## videocassettes (ca. 90 min.) : $b sd., col.
300 ## computer disks : $b col.
For printed serials, when recording illustrations of more than one type, input "ill." as the first abbreviation when this abbreviation is used.
300 ## v. : $b ill., maps ; $c 27 cm.
$c Dimensions.
The dimensions of the item are preceded by a space-semicolon-space ( ; ). For printed serials, give the height of the item (based on the bound edge) in centimeters to the next highest whole centimeter.
300 ## v. ; $c 31 cm.
When both height and width are given, supply a space on each side of the multiplication sign ( x ) that separates height and width.
300 ## v. ; $c 20 x 25 cm.
If a range of heights is given, do not supply spaces before or after the hyphen.
300 ## v. : $b ill. ; $c 22-36 cm.
Dimensions for non-print serials may be given in centimeters, millimeters, or inches, as appropriate. In some cases, dimensions are given only when they are other than the standard.
300 ## computer optical discs ; $c 4 3/4 in.
300 ## computer disks ; $c 5 1/4 in.
300 ## videodiscs (30 min.) ; $c 12 in.
300 ## videocassettes : $b sd., col. ; $c 1/2 in.
300 ## sound cassettes : $b analog
$e Accompanying material.
Subfield $e describes any regularly accompanying material and associated physical description statements. The subfield is preceded by a space-plus sign-space ( + ). If multiple accompanying materials are recorded in one statement, precede each with a space-plus sign-space but do not repeat the subfield code.
300 ## v. : $b ill. ; $c 21 cm. + $e slides
300 ## computer disks ; $c 5 1/4 in. + $e guides
300 ## sound cassettes (60 min.) : $b 3 3/4 ips, mono. + $e contents and self-study quizzes
300 ## computer optical discs ; $c 4 3/4 in. + $e magnetic disks (5 1/4 in.) + user's manuals + quick reference guides + quick reference cards
Supply the physical description of accompanying material only when considered important. For serials this information is not often given.
300 ## wall charts : $b col. ; $c 125 x 66 cm. + $e indexes and supplements ( v. : ill. (some col.) ; 23 cm.)
Prior to 2006, some LAC records contained accompanying material in subfield $d. When the subfield was made obsolete, OCLC converted all data in 300 $d to $e.
$6 Linkage.
For instructions on the use of subfield $6, see field 880.

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