Thursday, March 25, 2010


LCRI 12.7B1. Frequency
LC/PCC practice: Make a note on the known frequency of a serial or of the updates to an integrating resource even if the frequency is apparent from the rest of the description.

CCM 13.3. Frequency notes (Fields 310/321)
13.3.1. When to give (AACR2 12.7B1)
The current frequency is expressed in
Field 310 is optional in the CONSER core record but is mandatory for all LC core or full records.
field 310 and also in fixed field 008/18 "FREQ." The regularity of issuance is expressed in fixed field 008/19 "REGULR" and sometimes in qualifying information added to field 310 or 321. If the frequency has changed, the former frequency(ies) is given in field 321. For instructions on input, see CEG 310/321. For a list of the appropriate terms to be used, see CEG 008/18.
When known, CONSER catalogers give the current frequency in all cases, even when the frequency is already contained in the title (LCRI 12.7B1). This policy was set for the benefit of reference librarians who requested eye-readable information in the record. Other catalogers may omit the frequency note when information given elsewhere in the record is considered adequate. The frequency is also taking on an added importance with increased use of the MARC 21 holdings standard for creation of publication patterns.

13.3.2. Sources of information
The frequency is taken from information found in the piece or supplied by the publisher or from evidence of issues already published. If there is no stated frequency, give the probable frequency when there is sufficient evidence to indicate the publishing pattern. Do not use a question mark. If the frequency is unknown, omit field 310 and code the fixed field bytes as "u/u".
Sometimes the frequency requires further explanation to account for stated irregularities in the publishing pattern. Such information is generally taken from the piece but may also be supplied and is given in parentheses following the frequency.
310 ## $a Monthly (except July-Aug.)
310 ## $a Biweekly (Apr.-Sept.)
When cataloging with a run of a serial in hand, you may find that the actual publishing pattern varies considerably from the stated frequency. In general, give the stated frequency. In cases where it is obvious that the stated frequency is not the actual frequency, as evidenced by a number of issues and the numbering of those issues, give the actual frequency when it can be determined.
Stated frequency in piece:
Evidence from issues over a 3 year period:
2 or 3 issues a year
310 ## $a Two or three issues a year
Fixed field: Freq = f / Regulr = x
13.3.3. Terminology
The list of frequencies in 008/18-19 does not include all possible frequencies. When a serial is issued according to a frequency not on the list, construct a frequency statement using terms such as "... no. a year" or "... issues a year."
310 ## $a Four no. a year
310 ## $a Four times a year
310 ## $a Four issues a year
"Four no." would imply that the serial is numbered; however, some numbers may be combined. "Four times" or "Four issues" indicates that there are four separate pieces received regardless of the numbering. This is based on the individual serial and is a matter of cataloger's judgment.
Note: Do not confuse the frequency with the designation system of the serial. For instance, Time is a weekly that has two volumes each year, each with its own internal numbering. The frequency is determined by the pattern of issuance of the issues, not their numbering.
When supplying parenthetical information, try to use the publisher's terminology when clear and succinct.
310 ## $a Biweekly (during the school year)
310 ## $a Semiweekly (May-Aug.)
If there is more than one frequency in a given year, the other frequencies are indicated in parentheses.
310 ## $a Monthly (bimonthly June-Sept.)
13.3.4. Designations and former frequencies
Field 321 is used for former frequencies. When this field is given, a designation must be also included in all of the frequency fields (310 and 321). As with other notes, dates are generally given but numbers may also be used. When the exact date range is unknown, give what is known in angle brackets. Do not give field 321 without field 310. Do not include a designation when only the current frequency is given in field 310 since it is assumed that this is the frequency for all issues beginning with the first. If the serial has changed its frequency many times, you may give only the current frequency and use a "Frequency varies" note in field 321. For more information, see CEG 310/321.
310 ## $a Monthly, $b Aug. 1976-
321 ## $a Bimonthly, $b June 1, 1967-July 15, 1976
310 ## $a Annual, $b 1991-
321 ## $a Frequency varies, $b Aug. 1987-1990

AACR2 12.7B3
12.7B3. Source of title proper
For printed resources, make a note on the source of the title proper if it is taken from a title page substitute. For nonprint resources, follow the instructions in subrule .7B3 in the chapter dealing with the type of material to which the resource belongs.
Title from cover
Title from caption
Title from binder
Title from CD-ROM label
Title from title screen (viewed on Jan. 20, 2000)
(Source of title proper note combined with item described note)
Title from home page (viewed on Dec. 18, 1999)
(Source of title proper note combined with item described note)

AACR2 12.7B7.1.
Make notes on statements of responsibility that do not appear in the title and statement of responsibility area if considered to be important.
Official journal of: Concrete Products Association, Oct. 1920-Apr. 1930
Give a fuller form of name of a person or body that appears only in abbreviated form in the rest of the description if the fuller form is considered to be necessary.
Full name of the institute: Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada
(Title proper: Journal of the Professional Institute)
Issued by: Abortion Law Reform Association
(Title and statement of responsibility: Occasional newsletter [GMD] / Alra)
Give the name of any editor considered to be an important means of identifying the serial (e.g., if a particular person edited the serial for all or most of its existence; if the person’s name is likely to be better known than the title of the serial).
Editor: Wyndham Lewis
Founded, edited, and published by Jean-Paul Sartre

CEG CONSER Editing Guide
550 Issuing body note (R)
First and second indicators
# Undefined
a Issuing body note (NR)
6 Linkage (NR)
Field 550 refers to current and former issuing bodies. Field 550 is generally used for issuing bodies traced in a 7XX added entry field. The field explains their relationship to the publication and justifies the 7XX added entries. Notes relating to commercial publishers, distributors, or places of publication are tagged 500.
Use field 550 for the following types of issuing body notes:
1. Notes providing the current issuing body when it is not included in the statement of responsibility or imprint.
260 ## Washington : $b Columbia Press, $c 1875-1878.
550 ## Organ of the Potomac-side Naturalists' Club.
710 2# Potomac-side Naturalists' Club.
260 ## Salzburg, Oesterreich : $b Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
550 ## Issued by: Anthropos-Institut, 1935-
710 2# Anthropos-Institut.
2. Notes for joint issuing bodies.
260 ## Paris : $b Centre de documentation C.N.R.S., $c 1969-
550 ## Issued with: Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières, 1972-
710 2# Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France). $b Centre de documentation.
710 1# France. $b Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières.
3. Notes for former or later issuing bodies.
260 ## Washington, D.C. : $b U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census : $b For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
550 ## Issued by: Bureau of Statistics (Dept. of the Treasury), 1878-1902; by: Bureau of Statistics (Dept. of Commerce and Labor), 1903-1911; by: Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 1912-1937; by: Bureau of the Census, 1938-
710 1# United States. $b Bureau of the Census.
710 1# United States. $b Dept. of the Treasury. $b Bureau of Statistics.
710 1# United States. $b Dept. of Commerce and Labor. $b Bureau of Statistics.
710 1# United States. $b Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
260 ## London ; $a New York : $b Macmillan
550 ## Issued by: British Economic Association, 1891-1902; by: Royal Economic Society, 1903-
710 2# British Economic Association.
710 2# Royal Economic Society (Great Britain)
550 ## Issued by: Dept. of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Statistics, 1964-1977; by: Dept. of Health and Social Services, Bureau of Vital Records, 1978-
710 1# Alaska. $b Bureau of Vital Statistics.
710 1# Alaska. $b Bureau of Vital Records.
4. Notes for sponsoring bodies.
260 ## London : $b H. Frowde : $b Hodder and Stoughton, $c [1921]-
550 ## Published under the auspices of the British Institute of International Affairs, 1921/22-1927; of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1928-
710 2# British Institute of International Affairs.
710 2# Royal Institute of International Affairs.
5. Notes citing any other body involved with the publication for which an added entry is desired.
550 ## Published in cooperation with the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1974-
710 1# Kansas. $b State Board of Agriculture.
6. Notes stating that a resource is an official organ of a society.
260 ## Santiago de Chile : $b Dirección General de Educación Primaria, $c 1921-
550 ## Organ of Dirección General de Educación Primaria, 1921-1927; of Departamento de Educación Primaria, 1928.
710 1# Chile. $b Dirección General de Educación Primaria.
710 1# Chile. $b Departamento de Educación Primaria.
7. Notes providing subordinate bodies that prepared a work; e.g., when the subordinate body is not given on a prescribed source for the statement of responsibility area.
550 ## Compiled by the editors of Handling & shipping, 1970-1972.
550 ## Published for the American Indian Historical Society.

$a Issuing body note.
Subfield $a contains the issuing body note.
550 ## Prepared under the direction of the Commissioner of Banking.
550 ## Issued by the Registrar of Loan Corporations, 1918-1949.
550 ## Prepared by the General Nuclear Engineering Corp., Dec. 1957-; by Argonne National Laboratory, fall 1966.
$6 Linkage.
For instructions on the use of subfield $6, see Field 880.
Related fields, etc.
Notes--General Information, 500, 710

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