Monday, March 22, 2010

CONSER Standard Record Documentation 07/22/2009

General principles
Metadata Application Profile (list of fields and field-specific instructions)
Appendix A: Special Instructions

Decision-making guidance: main entry,
corporate body formulation, major vs. minor title changes

Working with copy and record maintenance
Appendix B: Examples

Record examples

Examples of fields 362, 500, 515

CONSER Standard Record
The CONSER standard record (CSR) to which this documentation pertains is the result of a year-long effort that involved over 150 people, including a working group of catalogers, cataloging managers, and users of serial catalog records who developed the proposed record; catalogers at fourteen institutions who piloted the record; and a group of diverse reviewers from the fourteen pilot institutions who evaluated the record. The elements and cataloging guidelines used for the pilot projects have been adjusted as a result of pilot project outcomes and subsequent input. The CSR was implemented in 2007.
This documentation is intended to meet the everyday documentation needs of CONSER-trained, experienced serials catalogers. Other CONSER documents address training needs. Once trained, catalogers should exercise judgment about elements and practices not specified in this documentation, keeping in mind that the goal of the catalog record is to meet user needs to find, identify, select, and obtain the resource. This documentation provides the cataloger with a set of elements that are required on each serial record. The elements are those that were identified as having the highest value in supporting users’ efforts to find, identify, select, and obtain the resources they need, as well as navigate the relationships among titles.
The mandatory element set avoids requiring unessential or redundant elements. In a few cases, redundancy was deemed necessary because of display requirements (e.g., language elements) or so that certain elements (notes about issues described and consulted) are provided in all cases. This standard record does not preclude the use of any data in a bibliographic record. Given that no two resources are exactly alike, no documentation can cover all possible situations. Guidance to speed the process of making complex decisions about main entry, formulating corporate body names, and determining major vs. minor title changes can be found in Appendix A: Special Instructions.
Appendix A also includes general guidelines for record maintenance and working with copy. A basic principle for working with copy is to avoid removing data from an existing record unless that data is factually incorrect.
It is hoped that by including a defined element set in each record, CONSER records will become more uniform in the data they contain, and catalogers will be enabled to concentrate on unusual situations that are important for appropriate access. Specialized resources such as those in non-roman script, law serials, rare serials, newspapers, etc., have specialized requirements not included in this basic documentation.
The CONSER standard record has been developed with the intention of meeting user needs in the evolving digital environment. The CONSER standard record emphasizes access points over extensive descriptive detail in the belief that controlled subject and name access points are library cataloging’s most valuable contribution in the current bibliographic environment.

The former Library of Congress Cataloging Policy and Support Office (now the Policy and Standards Division) provided new or revised LC Rule Interpretations to support policy decisions that differ from AACR2 rules.


The mandatory data elements that make up the Metadata Application Profile (MAP) and the instructions for providing these elements set the standard for the CONSER record and replace the previous full, core, and minimal record CONSER element lists.

CONSER standard records use MARC 21 encoding level "blank." Authority records in the Library of Congress/NACO and Subject Authority Files are required for all headings on CONSER standard records. CONSER standard records have an authentication code “pcc” (records created before May 1, 2009 have authentication code “lc” or “lcd”)reflecting the fact that the name, series, and subject headings are supported by authority records.

Minimal level records are still created in certain situations but they are not considered CONSER standard records. Minimal level records include the same mandatory descriptive elements, but may not contain subject headings and/or not all name and series headings are supported by authority records in the LC/NACO Authority File. Minimal level records use encoding level 7 and have an authentication code that reflects whether or not authority records exist for name and series headings on the record i.e. "pcc" ("lcd" if created before May 1, 2009) or "msc."

Therefore a record lacking appropriate subject headings is considered minimal level, coded encoding level 7, and depending on whether name and series headings on the record are backed by authority records will be coded "pcc" ("lcd" if created before May 1, 2009) or "msc." Records that have name or series headings not backed by authority records are coded encoding level 7 and given authentication code "msc."

Every CONSER standard record will minimally contain the mandatory elements. Catalogers may add any additional data elements or fields that are required by the resource, e.g., addition of a uniform title is acceptable depending on local needs and judgment. Institutions may determine policies regarding additional nationally-applicable elements needed to meet institutional needs. Specialized materials, e.g., rare materials, law serials and newspapers may require specialized elements and practices.

Standard abbreviations and capitalization are not required in designation and note fields (362, 515, 5XX).

When using copy, all elements that are not incorrect should be left in the record, even if they are not part of the required element set. Elements that are not obviously incorrect or suspect should, in general, also be left in the record without further research. Further guidance is in Appendix A.

In general, records should be maintained according to this standard. It is not required to maintain elements that are not part of the mandatory elements list. However, steps
should be taken to avoid records that contain incorrect or misleading information. Further guidance is in Appendix A.

CONSER Standard Record Metadata Application Profile (MAP)
Data Element M/A/NR Notes/Cataloging Guidelines
M = Mandatory A = Mandatory if applicable NR = Not Required
System-supplied except as below
06 Type of record
07 Bibliographic level
(Default code currently = “s”)
08 Type of control
(Default = “blank”)
17 Encoding level
18 Descriptive cataloging form
Fixed-length data elements – additional material characteristics
It is required to code only the first byte of the 006 for additional material characteristics, “Form of material.”
Physical description fixed field
It is required to code only subfield $a “Category of material” and subfield $b “Specific material designation.” Reminder: additional subfields may be required for preservation microform, e.g. subfield $e “Dimensions” is needed for microform.
Fixed-length data elements – general information
06 Publication status
07-10 Date 1 Beginning date of publication
11-14 Date 2 Ending date of publication
15-17 Country
18 Frequency
U.S. ISSN center staff required to code. See instructions in Appendix A for use of copy and record maintenance
19 Regularity
Used by U.S. ISSN center staff. See instructions in Appendix A for use of copy and record maintenance
21 Type of continuing resource
22 Form of original item
Code only for original microforms
23 Form of item
24 Nature of entire work
25-27 Nature of contents
28 Government publication
29 Conference publication
33 Original alphabet of key title
Used by ISSN centers only
34 Successive/latest entry
Default = “0”
35-37 Language
CONSER Standard Record Metadata Application Profile (MAP)
Data Element M/A/NR Notes/Cataloging Guidelines
M = Mandatory A = Mandatory if applicable NR = Not Required
38 Modified record
39 Cataloging source
Library of Congress control number
ISSN $a, $y
$z is used by ISSN centers only
CODEN designation
If readily available to the cataloger
Language code
Code $a only; use for serials with multiple languages, see also instructions in 546
Authentication code
Use code "pcc"
Geographic area code
Library of Congress call number
Dewey Decimal classification number
Government document classification
Main entry – personal name
Main entry – corporate name
Main entry – meeting name
Main entry – uniform title $a, $n, $p

“Distinguishing” uniform titles: With two exceptions, it is not required to create or add a uniform title (either as a main entry heading or in conjunction with a personal or corporate name main entry heading) in order to resolve conflicts according to AACR2 25.5B. Create uniform titles for these two categories: 1) monographic series, however it is not required to create a distinguishing uniform title for conflicts involving an online series and another medium (do not delete existing series authority records for online series) or 2) “generic” titles, i.e., those cases where the title consists solely of a word or words indicating the type of resource or the periodicity of the resource, e.g., “monthly newsletter,” “journal,” “biennial working papers.” (LCRI 25.5B)

Translations and language editions: It is not required to create or add a uniform title either as a main entry heading or in conjunction with a personal or corporate name main entry heading for translations or language editions. Instead, use an added entry (in addition to any 765 or 775 linking field) to provide collocation with the original language edition. Include the name of the language of the resource being cataloged in subfield $l of the 730 field. This is an exception to the
general policy stated under Linking Fields below that it is not required to make added entries (730/740) that duplicate linking field access points.

“Other “collocating” uniform titles: Continue to create or add uniform titles as required for legal materials and other cases of collocating (as opposed to “distinguishing”) uniform titles that are not translations or language editions.
Abbreviated title $a, $b
Do not put in 246
Uniform title $a, $n, $p
See cataloging guidelines for 130 field
Title and statement of responsibility
$a Title proper
$h Medium
$n Number of part/section
$p Name of part/section
$b Other title information and Parallel title(s)
Generally, it is not required to transcribe other title information unless it provides clarification or support to the title proper that otherwise might appear misleading without the other title information.
It is not required to transcribe parallel titles in 245 $b. Record parallel titles and initialisms/acronyms not chosen as the title proper in field 246. See also instructions in field 246.
$c Statement of responsibility
It is not required to transcribe a statement of responsibility of any kind in field 245 $c. (Cf. LCRI 12.1F).1
Varying form of title $a, $n, $p, $i, $f

Record in field 246 (rather than 245 $b) acronyms/initialisms of the title proper, and parallel titles found on the chief source. Use indicators 11 for parallel titles. Use indicators 1 [blank] and $i any time a note is needed for a variant title including the need to provide applicable date ranges for additional parallel titles that appear on later issues. Use indicators 13 for all other variant titles, including acronyms/initialisms.
1 For CONSER minimal level or non-CONSER records where no authority record will be created or updated for a heading named in a statement of responsibility, transcribe the statement of responsibility as usual in the bibliographic record so that usage can be documented. (Cf. LCRI 12.7B7.1)

Record variant titles that appear prominently in the resource being cataloged, and which a user might reasonably consider to be the title. Also record minor title changes as variant titles. In general, it is not required to provide information on the source of the variant title. Accordingly, indicator values for variant titles can be coded 13 with the exception of added entries for minor title changes. In these cases, record the minor title change using: 246 1 [blank] inputting specific introductory wording in subfield $i.

For online serials, try to locate the earliest issue appearing on the site. Generally consider recording as variant titles only titles appearing in readily accessible sources (for example, those that can be accessed within one or two pages from the earliest issue's title page or title screen or by clicking on a prominently displayed icon or menu choice on a home page or a main menu page).
Former title $a, $n, $p
Use only for integrating resources
Edition statement
Publication, distribution, etc.
See also special instructions
$a Place of publication

It is required to supply only the first-named place of publication as found on the item. It is not required to supply any additional places, regardless of the home country of the cataloging agency. (Cf. LCRI 12.4C)

For online resources: if a place of publication is readily available (for example, found by scrolling within a few pages of the home page or first issue page), record that place in field 260 $a. Otherwise, supply a probable place of publication (e.g. [United States?]) or [S.l.] in field 260 $a. Code the fixed field country code accordingly.
$b Name of publisher
$c Date of publication
It is not required to supply dates in 260 $c. See field 362 for instructions about recording dates of publication
Physical description
$a Extent (SMD)
This element only required for tangible non-print formats
$b Other physical details
$c Dimensions
CONSER Standard Record Metadata Application Profile (MAP)
Data Element M/A/NR Notes/Cataloging Guidelines
M = Mandatory A = Mandatory if applicable NR = Not Required
Current publication frequency
If known
Former publication frequency
It is not required to provide former frequency notes on original records. See special instructions in Appendix A for use of copy and record maintenance
362 1
Dates of publication/designation
First indicator “1” unformatted style

Use unformatted 362 (1st indicator 1, “Began… ”) to supply numbering/dates of publication whenever this information is available, regardless of whether the first/last issue(s) are in hand or not.

Captions and months may be transcribed as found (including abbreviations and capitalization) or they may be recorded using standard AACR2 abbreviations.

Numbers (including ordinal numbers) may be transcribed as found or they may be recorded as Arabic numerals, whichever is easier.

If numbering is not present or known, give the beginning date of publication or the copyright date.

If numbering includes both issue number and date, put parentheses around the date.

Include new series designations, changes in numbering, etc., in this field or in the 515, whichever is clearer. See examples in Appendix B. (Cf. LCRI 12.7B10).
Series statement/title
Required if applicable when series added entry is not being made
It is not required to include a series added entry, search the authority file for series authority records, or create series authority records.

When no series added entry is being included, transcribe the series statement, using the 490 field. Document changes in the series statement over time in 490 fields on the bibliographic record.

When a series added entry is being included, provide the series heading in the 8XX field. Establish new, or update existing, series authority record(s) in the national authority file as necessary. Record variant forms of the series title in the authority record.
CONSER Standard Record Metadata Application Profile (MAP)
Data Element M/A/NR Notes/Cataloging Guidelines
M = Mandatory A = Mandatory if applicable NR = Not Required
General note(s): source of title, DBO
Designated notes only
It is required to provide the description based on (DBO) information and the source of title on all records. This information should be combined into one note. Always cite the source of title, even if it is the title page. (Exception: Source of title is not required in derived records). It is not required to use standard abbreviations and capitalization in notes.
General note: Latest issue consulted
LIC note is required, even when cataloging based on only one issue.
Numbering peculiarities note
Additional physical form available note
Prefer field 776 $i rather than a 530 note, to describe any additional physical formats available.
Reproduction note
Original version note
Library and Archives Canada use only
System details note

For direct access electronic resources, it is not required to make a 538 note except in cases when it is necessary to indicate the type of operating system or the make and model of the computer(s) on which the resource is designed to run.

For remote access electronic resources, make a note on mode of access only if the resource is accessed other than through the World Wide Web.
Language note
Record information about serials in multiple languages, translations, different languages of summaries, tables of contents, or accompanying material in a 546 note, as well as any other notes to clarify the language of the work being cataloged.
Issuing body note

It is not required to use 550 or other notes simply to justify added entries. If a corporate body’s name has changed over time, authority records should be updated/created. Make access points on the bibliographic record as appropriate.2 (Cf. LCRI 12.7B7.1, LCRI 21.29F). For changes in issuing bodies, see Appendix A.
Cumulative index/finding aids note
Linking entry complexity note
It is not required to supply linking information in a 580 note. Use linking entries with $i whenever possible.
Subject added entry – personal name
Subject added entry – corporate name
Subject added entry – meeting name
Subject added entry – uniform title
Subject added entry – topical term
Subject added entry – geographic name
Index term – genre/form
Added entry – personal name
Added entry – corporate name
May use with subfield “$3” to indicate “applicable date” in lieu of 550
Added entry – meeting name
Added entry – uniform title
It is not required to make an added entry that duplicates a linking field. See 130 field for instructions about uniform title added entries for translations and language editions
Added entry – uncontrolled related title
It is not required to make an added entry that duplicates a linking field. See 130 field for instructions about uniform title added entries for translations and language editions
Added entry – hierarchical place name
Newspapers only
2 For CONSER minimal and non-CONSER records where no authority record will be created or updated, document the usage through transcription in the bibliographic record (either by supplying a 245 subfield $b or subfield $c, or a 550 note). 12
CONSER Standard Record Metadata Application Profile (MAP)
Data Element M/A/NR Notes/Cataloging Guidelines
M = Mandatory A = Mandatory if applicable NR = Not Required
Linking Fields
Prefer linking fields to notes and added entries. E.g., use 776 $i rather than a 530 note, to describe any additional physical formats available.
Original language entry
Translation entry
Supplement/special issue entry
Supplement parent entry
Host item
Constituent unit entry
Other edition available entry
Additional physical form entry
Use with subfield “$i” in lieu of 530
Issued with entry
Preceding entry
Succeeding entry
Non-specific relationship entry
Series added entry – personal name
Series added entry – corporate name
Series added entry – meeting name
Series added entry – uniform title
Electronic location and access
Remote access electronic resources generally have a URI associated with the resource. CONSER records should contain generally-accessible URIs that point to the publisher’s version of the resource or to a version in a trusted archive. Local URIs or password-protected URIs should not be recorded in the national level record.
$u Uniform resource identifier
$3 Materials specified

Appendix A
Decision-Making Guidance
The following guidance is intended to help simplify the decision making process when used in conjunction with AACR2 rules and Rule Interpretations to determine main entry, record place of publication, establish corporate headings, and determine major and minor title changes.
Main entry heading (1XX)
When determining if the main entry should be under corporate body or title, keep in mind that one issue may not truly reflect the entire run of a serial. The most common categories for entry of a serial under corporate body are those with administrative content or content including recommendations; if the serial doesn’t have such content and isn’t easily identified as being covered by one of the other categories in AACR2 21.1B2, enter under title.
Place of Publication
I. Formal publishing statement with multiple places of publication
E.g. Chief source, across the bottom of the cover: Harwood, Amsterdam, Beijing, Canberra, New York, Paris
P. [2] of cover: Published in Newark, New Jersey by Harwood Academic Publishers
Record the first named place.
260 $a Amsterdam : $b Harwood
II. No formal publishing statement
If there is no publishing statement presented on the item, infer the place of publication from the following sources printed on the item in this order, and supply the data in the 260 $a:

Address of issuing body

Editorial business office address

Other editorial office address

Subscription address
Do not infer a city of publication from a personal editor’s address unless you have clear evidence that the editor is also the publisher. However, you may use a personal editor’s address to infer the country of publication [AACR2 1.4C6].
Establishing Corporate Headings
Create a name heading for a body in the form by which it is commonly identified, and which is used by the body itself. Determine this form of name from works issued by the body in its own language (including its Web site). For international bodies, or for bodies that include English as one of their official languages, use the English form of name.

If there are multiple forms of the name, prefer the form presented formally on the chief source and/or the predominant form as evidenced by other works issued by the body. If in doubt as to whether to choose the full form of the name over an acronym or initialism, always choose the full form. (Cf. LCRI 24.2D) When faced with two equally acceptable name forms choose one and make a reference from the other in the name authority record. Make as many references in the authority record as seem appropriate to provide access for users of the catalog in performing searches, including keyword searches.
Add a qualifier to any name that in your judgment does not convey the idea of a corporate body. Also feel free to add a qualifier if in your opinion the addition assists in the understanding of the nature and purpose of the body.
Enter a subordinate body under the name of the higher or related body in all cases in which the name implies that it is an administrative part of another body, or in which the name is too general to stand by itself. When in doubt, assume that a name is general in nature and should therefore be entered subordinately. When in doubt as to whether to omit or retain any intervening body in a hierarchy, choose to retain it.
The desired result of your work is a name heading that, together with the references, provides access to the corporate body and its works. There are seldom “right” or “wrong” decisions in the grey areas of the name authority process; base your decisions on the usefulness of the name heading in providing access and collocation in the catalog.
Major vs. Minor Changes
I. Rules of thumb for problematic situations
Resource-type words: If the word can be used with an indefinite article, consider it a resource-type word (using this guideline, newspaper is a resource-type word; news is not a resource-type word). Frequency words are not considered resource-type words (though commonly used that way in English). In case of doubt, consider a word to be a resource-type word.
Minor Word Variations: In case of doubt, consider a different representation to be the same word but use caution and perhaps a dictionary in the case of different grammatical forms because words like man and male are different words with different meanings.
Geographic term or government body? When the serial is issued by or associated with a government body, consider a geographic term to be a representation of the corporate body’s name (e.g., California facts and figures issued by an agency of the California state government).

Change of meaning or subject matter: Limit the application of this rule to changes that would be reflected in subject headings, and cases where the publisher indicates that the title change reflects a change in scope.
II. Title change analysis
Changed titles might include multiple changes simultaneously. The cataloger must determine whether any of the changes are considered major (because multiple minor changes are collectively still considered minor). Answering the questions on the following chart can help:
*as defined in AACR 21.2C2

Appendix A
Working with Copy and Record Maintenance
General Guidelines

Existing records created before implementation of the CONSER standard record (CSR) do not need to be edited just to conform to the new standard. Do not remove any fields from existing records unless the data in those fields is determined to be factually incorrect. If new information needs to be supplied, supply it according to the CSR Metadata Application Profile (MAP). If in a particular situation it is more difficult to supply information according to CSR MAP and the cataloger can easily supply the information according to pre-CSR style, it is fine to do so. The only exceptions are fields that are already outdated and will not be maintained because the information is no longer required under these guidelines. For example, it is not necessary to keep outdated systems requirements data in records for CD-ROMs.

A maintenance rule of thumb is that any change that affects record access/identification or other serials functions (such as receiving, claiming, or binding) is a candidate for maintenance.

It is required to maintain the mandatory elements from the CONSER standard element set.

Generally, it is not required to update the style or tagging of information solely to reflect changes in cataloging codes or CONSER practice (CEG B4.3).
Maintaining a record with a non-generic title qualified by corporate body

When working with an authenticated record that includes a 130 with a corporate body used as a qualifier for a non-generic title and that corporate body undergoes a major name change or is no longer associated with the publication, treat the title as if it were a generic title qualified by body and make a new record with a new 130 qualified by the new body.
Maintaining or using copy that includes systems requirements:

If systems requirements are outdated, replace the outdated information with current information only if the current information is appropriate under current 538 guidelines; otherwise delete the outdated information.
Note: 538 fields added for a resource that is part of the Registry of Digital Masters contain data about digitization standards; this information should always be retained in the record.
Maintaining or using existing cataloging with former frequency information:

If there is a former frequency in field 310, move the former frequency to field 321, and add the current frequency in field 310. Prefer to leave existing 321 fields on an existing record, even if more than three. (Reminder: don’t leave outdated fixed field information for frequency and regularity when changing a 310 in an existing record. It should be updated with current frequency information when the record being modified is an “nsdp” authenticated record.)
Maintaining or using existing cataloging with formatted 362 information:

To indicate new series, changes in numbering, etc., the cataloger may add to an existing formatted 362 according to previous practice, or convert the information into an unformatted note that includes new series information. See examples in Appendix B.

To add an ending designation, the cataloger can add to an existing formatted 362 according to previous practice or add a separate unformatted 362.
Maintaining or using existing cataloging when a responsible body changes its name or a new body takes responsibility:
If a responsible body uses a variant name not already recorded on an authority record, add the variant to the authority record. If a body name change requires a new authority record, or a new body becomes responsible for the resource, provide a 550 note or an “applicable date” subfield ($3) for the 710 field to indicate applicable dates for the new name or the new body and make access points as appropriate. 3

3 For CONSER minimal level or non-CONSER records, where authority records will not be created or updated, add notes about corporate body changes.

Appendix B
Record example 1
Rec stat c Entered 20060404 Replaced 20060404
Type a ELvl Srce c GPub Ctrl Lang spa
BLvl s Form Conf | Freq | MRec Ctry ag
S/L 0 Orig | EntW Regl | Alph
Desc a SrTp Cont DtSt c Dates 2000 , 9999
010 $a 2006262117
022 $a 1666-6305
040 $a CGU $c CGU
042 $a lcd
043 $a s-ag---
049 $a CGUA
050 14 $a HD4813 $b .E53
111 2 $a Encuentro Regional Ciencias Sociales y Sindicalismo.
245 10 $a Encuentro Regional Ciencias Sociales y Sindicalismo : $b [actas]. **
246 13 $a Actas del ... Encuentro Regional Ciencias Sociales y Sindicalismo
260 $a Rosario, Argentina : $b Centro de Estudios de Historia Obrera, and Area de
Antropología y Trabajo de la Escuela de Antropología
310 $a Annual
362 1 $a Began with 1er (año 2000).
500 $a Description based on: 1er (año 2000); title from cover.
500 $a Latest issue consulted: 4 (año 2003).
650 0 $a Labor $z Argentina $v Congresses.
650 0 $a Labor unions $z Argentina $v Congresses.
650 0 $a Working class $z Argentina $x Social conditions $v Congresses.
710 2 $a Universidad Nacional de Rosario. $b Centro de Estudios de Historia Obrera.
710 2 $a Universidad Nacional de Rosario. $b Area de Antropologia y Trabajo.
710 2 $a Universidad Nacional de Rosario. $b Facultad de Humanidades y Artes.
710 2 $a Núcleo de Estudios del Trabajo y la Conflictividad Social.
710 2 $a Taller de Estudios Laborales.
710 2 $a Observatorio Social de América Latina.
710 2 $a Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales.
** See instructions for 245, $b in the Metadata Application Profile (MAP). In this example, $b is supplied because it provides a clarification for a title proper that might be misleading otherwise.

Record example 2
Rec stat c Entered 20060328 Replaced 20060403
Type a ELvl Srce c GPub Ctrl Lang eng
BLvl s Form s Conf | Freq | MRec Ctry aj
S/L 0 Orig | EntW Regl | Alph
Desc a SrTp p Cont DtSt c Dates 2006 , 9999
006 m
007 c $b r
010 $a 2006262116
040 $a CGU $c CGU
041 0 $a eng $a aze
042 $a lcd
043 $a e-urk--
049 $a CGUA
245 00 $a Caucasian journal of European affairs $h [electronic resource].**
246 11 $a Avropa Mäsäläläri üzra qafqaz jurnalı
246 13 $a CJEA
260 $a [Azerbaijan?] : $b Centre for European Studies
310 $a Quarterly
362 1 $a Began with Volume 1 (Winter 2006).
500 $a Description based on: Volume 1 (Winter 2006); title from journal home page
Center for European Studies - Azerbaijan Web site; viewed Mar. 28, 2006).
500 $a Latest issue consulted: Volume 1 (Winter 2006) (viewed Mar. 28, 2006).
546 $a Articles in Azerbaijani and English. 651 0 $a Caucasus $x Politics and government $v Periodicals. 651 0 $a Caucasus $x Social conditions $v Periodicals. 651 0 $a Caucasus $x Economic conditions $v Periodicals. 710 2 $a Avropa Araşdırmaları Märkäzi. 856 40 $u
** See instructions for 245, $b in the Metadata Application Profile (MAP)

Record example 3
Rec stat c Entered 20060404 Replaced 20060404
Type a ELvl Srce c GPub Ctrl Lang mon
BLvl s Form Conf | Freq | MRec Ctry mp
S/L 0 Orig | EntW Regl | Alph
Desc a SrTp Cont DtSt c Dates 2003, 9999
010 $a 2006262151
040 $a CGU $c CGU
042 $a lcd
043 $a a-mp---
049 $a CGUA
050 14 $a HE6185.M65 $b M6
245 00 $a Mongolyn filateli.
260 $a Ulaanbaatar : $b Mongolyn filateliĭn kholboony sėtguul
362 1 $a Began with No. 1, published in 2003.
500 $a Description based on: No. 1, published in 2003; title from cover.
500 $a Latest issue consulted: No. 1.
650 0 $a Postage stamps $z Mongolia $v Periodicals.
710 2 $a Mongolyn Filateliĭn Kholboo.

Record example 4
Rec stat c Entered 20060404 Replaced 20060404
Type a ELvl Srce c GPub Ctrl Lang mul
BLvl s Form Conf | Freq | MRec Ctry mp
S/L 0 Orig | EntW Regl | Alph
Desc a SrTp p Cont DtSt c Dates 2005 , 9999
010 $a 2006262150
040 $a CGU $c CGU
041 $a mul
042 $a lcd
043 $a a-mp---
049 $a CGUA
050 14 $a PN1010 $b .G85
245 00 $a Gunu.
260 $a Ulaanbaatar : $b Academy of Culture and Poetry
310 $a Quarterly
362 1 $a Began with 1 (Spring 2005).
500 $a Description based on: 1 (Spring 2005); title from cover.
500 $a Latest issue consulted: 2 (Summer 2005).
546 $a Includes poems in many languages with accompanying English translations.
650 0 $a Poetry $v Periodicals.
650 0 $a Mongolian poetry $v Translations into English $v Periodicals.

362, 500, and 515 Examples
Examples of original cataloging
1. 362 1 Began with August/September 1970; ceased with March 1972.
500 Description based on: August/September 1970; title from cover.
500 Latest issue consulted: March 1972.
[No enumeration; months spelled out on pieces; had first and last issue in hand]
2. 362 1 Began with Volume 1, Number 1 (January 1995).
500 Description based on: Volume 1, Number 1 (January 1995); title from title page.
500 Latest issue consulted: February 1999.
515 Volume numbering ended with Volume 4, Number 12 (December 1998). Issues
for January 1999- not numbered.
[“Volume” and “Number” both capitalized and spelled out on pieces; months spelled out]
3. 362 1 Began in 1943. Original numbering ended with Vol. 10, No. 12 (June 1952).
None published July 1952-June 1974. New numbering began with No. 1 (July
1974). Ceased in 1975. 500 Description based on: Vol. 2, No. 1 (July 1944); title from cover.
500 Latest issue consulted: No. 1 (July 1974).
[“Vol.” and “No.” abbreviated and capitalized on pieces; did not have 1st or last issue in hand; do not know designation for 1st and last issue.]
4. 362 1 Began with Band 1, Lieferung 1, published in 1973 ; Neue Folge , <2006->.
500 Description based on: Band 1, Lieferung 1, published in 1973; title from cover.
500 Latest issue consulted: Neue Folge, Band 1, Lieferung 4, published in 2006.
[Band, Lieferung, and Neue Folge all capitalized and spelled out on pieces; do not have Neue Folge, Band 1, Lieferung 1-3; not sure when Neue Folge began.]
5. 362 1 Began with Birinci sene, birinci cüz (1 Mārt, sene 1299 [1881]).
500 Description based on: Birinci sene, birinci cüz (1 Mārt, sene 1299 [1881]); title
from cover.
500 Latest issue consulted: Ikinci sene, on birinci cüz (15 Mārt, sene 1300 [1882]).
[Transcribed as on pieces, added Gregorian calendar date in square brackets.]
6. 362 1 Began in the 1890s.
500 Description based on: 1904; title from cover.
500 Latest issue consulted: 1925.
Appendix B
7. 362 1 Began and ceased with: 1918.
500 Description based on: 1918; title from cover.
500 Latest issue consulted: 1918.
8. 362 1 Began with vol. 1, no. 1 (1985); ceased with vol. 13, no. 6 (Dec. 1997).
500 Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 1 (1985); title from front matter PDF (Oxford
Web site, viewed Sept. 5, 2008).
500 Latest issue consulted: Vol. 13, no. 6 (Dec. 1997) (viewed Sept. 5, 2008).
Example of working with copy
In existing OCLC record showing a formatted 362:
362 0_ $a Vol. 1, no. 1-
500 __ $a Latest issue consulted: Vol. 4, no. 3.
The serial ceased with: Volume 4, number 4, with publication date of 2005 (last issue in hand).
Options for closing record
Close out the formatted 362:
____ 260 _ $a London : $b [s.n.], $c 2002-2005.____
362 0_ $a Vol. 1, no. 1-v. 4, no. 4.
Close with an unformatted 362:
____362 0_ $a Vol. 1, no. 1-
362 1_ $a Ceased with v. 4, no. 4, published in 2005.
500 __ $a Latest issue consulted: Vol. 4, no. 4, published in 2005.

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