# Undefined
a Type of reproduction (NR)
b Place of reproduction (R)
c Agency responsible for reproduction (R)
d Date of reproduction (NR)
e Physical description of reproduction (NR)
f Series statement of reproduction (R)
m Dates of publication and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced (R)
n Note about reproduction (R)
6 Linkage (NR)
7 Fixed-length data elements of reproduction (OCLC users, see field 539)
Field 533 is used to describe a reproduction of a serial when the description is based on the original. Field 533 is most commonly used for reproduction microforms (Cf. LCRI Chapter 11).
When field 533 is used in a record, the "form of item" code (006/06 008/23) is set to a value other than "blank" (e.g., "a" for microfilm, "b" for microfiche, etc.).
Input field 533 as the last 5XX field, following 5XX fields that relate to the original. (Optional field 539 may follow field 533.)
Field 533 may be given in AACR2 form, regardless of whether the description for the original item is AACR2 or pre-AACR2.
Input subfields in the following order: $a, $m, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $n, $6, $7.
$a Type of reproduction.
Input the type of reproduction (i.e., the specific material designation) in subfield $a, followed by a period.
533 ## Microfilm.
533 ## Microfiche.
$m Dates of publication and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced.
Subfield $m is recommended in records for preservation master microforms and contains the extent of the original publication that has been reproduced. For other microforms, use of subfield $m is optional.
While defined as repeatable, this subfield should not be repeated in CONSER records.
Note: Although the purpose of subfield $m is to describe the extent of a reproduction, and technically the content of the subfield is not a holdings statement, the extent reproduced is equivalent to the holdings of the preservation microform master.
Always give subfield $m for first generation masters, even when the entire run of the serial has been reproduced and the volumes/dates reproduced match those given in field 362. If the exact information is uncertain, the data may be given in angle brackets, but do not use for ongoing serials. Input subfield $m following subfield $a.
Format of data given in subfield $m
Enumeration and chronology given in subfield $m are based on the form specified for holdings data, rather than the form prescribed by AACR2 for field 362. Data in subfield $m is given in as concise form as possible and may be supplied in the language of the item or in English. The following guidelines are based in part on the Proposed American National Standard: Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items, ANSI/NISO Z39.71-1999 and practices developed by Harvard University.
1) Give in the form of: enumeration-enumeration (chronology-chronology).
$m v.1-3 (1900-1902)
2) Record the level of enumeration and chronology that is needed to identify the items reproduced. Use a colon to separate levels of enumeration. Omit spaces in places where there is punctuation (e.g., No.1) but leave a space in cases where there is no punctuation (e.g., Heft 1, June 1982). Input a space between the statements of enumeration and chronology.
$m v.1-3 (1900-1902)
(entire volume and year reproduced)
$m v.1:no.3-v.3:no.2 (1900:Mar.-1902:Feb.)
(not all numbers in v. 3 have been filmed)
3) When all issues expressed in field 362 have been reproduced, compress the information given in subfield $m to the volume/year level, even though an entire year may not be represented.
362 0# Vol. 10, no. 4 (Apr. 1900)-v. 15, no. 2 (Feb. 1905).
533 ## Microfilm. $m v.10-15 (1900-1905)
4) Missing issues may be indicated by one of the following terms, separated by a colon from the extent of items reproduced. Angle brackets may be used when the extent of filming is uncertain.
[Gaps] Use when the gaps are known but are too numerous to express.
[Gaps?] Use when there is uncertainty as to what is missing.
[Lacks] Use to record specific missing issues when they are not too numerous.
533 ## Microfilm. $m v.1-10 (1900-1909):[Lacks v.3,4] …
362 0# Vol. 1 (Oct. 1984)-v. 4 (Nov. 1988).
533 ## Microfilm. $m
Examples using $m and field 539
362 0# 1960-1968.
533 ## Microfilm. $m 1960-1968. $b Washington, D.C. : $c Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, $d 1986. $e 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm.
539 ## $a d $b 1960 $c 1968 $d dcu $e u $f u $g a
362 0# Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1983)-v. 1, no. 5 (Aug. 1983).
533 ## Microfilm. $m v.1:no.1-v.1:3 (Apr.-1983:June) $b Berkeley, Calif. : $c University of California Photographic Service, $d 1986. $e 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm.
539 ## $a d $b 1983 $c 1983 $d cau $e u $f u $g a
362 0# Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1798)-v. 1, no. 3 (Aug. 1798).
533 ## Microfilm. $m v.1:no.1-v.1:no.2 (1798:June-1798:July) $b Ann Arbor, Mich. : $c University Microfilms International, $d 1988. $e 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. $f (American periodical series, 18th century : 10).
539 ## $a d $b 1798 $c 1798 $d miu $e u $f u $g a
362 0# Vol. 1, no. 3 (Mar.1905)-v. 15, no. 5 (May 1920).
533 ## Microfilm. $m v.1-15 (1905-1920):[Lacks v.14:no.2-10] $b Cambridge, Mass. : $c Harvard University Library Reprographic Service, $d 1992. $e microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
539 ## $a d $b 1905 $c 1920 $d mau $d u $f u $g a
362 0# Jahr.1, Heft 1 (Mai 1954)-
533 ## Microfilm. $m Jahr.4:Heft 1 (1959:Mai)- $b Glen Rock, N.J. : $c Microfilming Corp. of America, $d 1992- $e microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
539 ## $a c $b 1959 $c 9999 $d nju $e u $f u $g a
362 1# Ceased with Oct. 1933.
533 ## Microfilm. $m 1905:Oct.-1933:Oct:[Gaps?] $b Cambridge, Mass. : $c Harvard University Library Reprographic Service, $d 1991. $e 6 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
539 ## $a d $b 1905 $c 1933 $d mau $e u $f u $g a
362 0# Vol. 15, no. 9 (Sept. 1927)-v. 25, no. 10 (Nov. 1937).
533 ## Microfilm. $m v.15-25 (1927-1937):[Lacks v.23:no.7] $b Cambridge, Mass. : $c Harvard University Library Reprographic Service, $d 1991. $e 8 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
539 ## $a d $b 1927 $c 1937 $d mau $e u $f u $g a
Special situations
Record ordinal numbers as they would be recorded in field 362.
362 0# 7th (1906/1907)-14th (1913/1914).
533 ## $m 7th-14th (1906/1907-1913/1914)
362 0# 5. (1923)-10. (1928).
533 ## $m 5.-10. (1923-1928)
Holdings include various or specific editions: record a general statement for multiple editions too numerous to specify, i.e., (various eds.). Record a specific statement for one edition, e.g., (2.ed.). This is generally only applicable to monographic series that are being filmed as a collection.
533 ## $m v.1-7 (1919-1921)(various eds.):[Lacks v.4]
533 ## $m v.1 (2.ed.)-t.16:no.1 (1802-1904):[Lacks v.8-13]
Changes in designation: when the designation has changed, resulting in a mixed statement of enumeration and chronology, record such mixed statements as they occur, separated by a comma.
362 1# Began in 1879.
533 ## $m 1882-1884, v.5-44 (1885-1922/1923)
When the volume numbering begins after the first issue, supply a 515 note to explain the fact and supply inferred volume number(s) in subfield $m.
515 ## Vol. numbering begins with: 2nd (1900/1901).
533 ## $m v.[1]-6 (1899/1900-1905/1906)
$b Place of reproduction.
Input the place of the agency responsible for the reproduction or distribution in subfield $b. If the agency has offices in more than one place and these places are recorded, repeat the subfield. If the microproducer and the responsible agency are given in separate subfields and different locations are also involved, then record each subfield $b with its corresponding agency.
533 ## Microfilm. $b Washington, D.C. :
533 ## Microfilm. $b Ann Arbor, Mich. :
533 ## Microfiche. $b Heidelberg ; $b New York :
533 ## Microfiche. $b Jakarta : $c Library of Congress Office ; $b Washington, D.C. : $c Library of Congress Photoduplication Service,
$c Agency responsible for reproduction.
The "agency responsible for reproduction" is the body responsible for the publication or republication of the serial reproduction. The process associated with publication of microforms is similar to that for text serials.
Commercial microforms–micropublishers
For commercial microforms, the responsible agency is a micropublisher which both issues and produces the microform. Micropublishers may be thought of as the equivalent of commercial publishers.
When a serial is reproduced by a micropublisher, record the name of the micropublisher in subfield $c.
533 ## Microfiche. $b Sanford, N.C. : $c Microfilming Corporation of America
533 ## Microfilm. $b Ann Arbor, Mich. : $c University Microfilms International
Preservation microforms–issuing agency and microproducer
A university, institution, etc. that contracts with a microproducer to film a title is the equivalent of an issuing body and is considered to be the responsible agency. The microproducer, in this case, is the equivalent of the printer. While printers are often omitted from records for text serials, inclusion of the microproducer may be desirable because that name may be all that appears on the microform. If, however, microfilm is produced under contract with a microproduer and the microproducer is likely to change with a new contract, it may be better to omit this information from the 533.
When a formatted statement, such as "Filmed by … for …" appears on the target of the microform, give the entire statement in one subfield $c.
533 ## Microfilm. $m 1943-1968. $b Evanston, Ill. : $c Filmed by Research Publications for the American Theological Library Association
533 ## Microfilm. $m v.1-20:no.2 (1970-1990:Feb.) $b La Jolla : $c Filmed by University of California Reprographic Service for the University of California, San Diego
The responsible agency and the microproducer may be given in separate statements. If they are in the same location, give each in a separate subfield $c separated by a colon ( : ). If in different locations, both subfields $b and $c are repeated.
533 ## Microfilm. $b Washington, D.C. : $c Library of Congress Preservation Microfilming Program : $c Available from Library of Congress Photoduplication Service
533 ## Microfilm. $b Jakarta : $c Library of Congress Office ; $b Washington, D.C. : $c Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, $d 1994- $e microfiches
533 ## Microfilm. $b Washington, D.C. : $c Filmed for the Library of Congress Preservation Microfilming Program : $c Available from Library of Congress Photoduplication Service. $e microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
Always give the responsible agency when known. If it does not appear on the microform, supply it in brackets. If the responsible agency is unknown and the only name that appears is known to be the microproducer, give "[s.n.]" as the first subfield $c, followed by the name of the microproducer in the second subfield $c.
533 ## Microfilm. $m v.3-8 (1945-1950) $b [La Jolla : $c University of California, San Diego] : $c University of California Reprographic Service
533 ## Microfiche. $m no.1-32 $b [S.l. : $c s.n.] : $c Microfilms, Inc. {made up example}
If the microproducer is considered unimportant and likely to change, give only the responsible agency.
533 ## Microfilm. $m 1987-1989. $b Seattle, Wash. : $c Filmed for the University of Washington Libraries
$d Date of reproduction.
The beginning and ending dates of publication of the reproduction are given when available. When dates are input, subfield $d is preceded by a comma; when dates are omitted, a period is input at the end of subfield $c. Input a period following subfield $d when the date is complete.
533 ## Microfiche. $b Webster, N.Y. : $c Photographic Sciences Corp., $d 1974-
533 ## Microfilm. $b Bedford, N.Y. : $c African Imprint Library Services.
533 ## Microfilm. $b Ann Arbor, Mich. : $c University Microfilms International, $d 1980.
$e Physical description of reproduction.
Subfield $e normally contains: 1) the extent of item and, 2) the dimensions of the reproduction. The two elements are separated by a space-semicolon-space ( ; ). Record the number of microfilm reels, microfiches, etc. only when the microform set is complete. When the number is not given, do not input leading spaces before the term "microfilm" or "microfiche." Do not give incomplete data in angle brackets. The term "negative" is given following the extent of item, separated by a space-colon-space ( : ) when a service copy is negative. If both positive and negative service copies are represented by the record, do not use this term. Also, do not use the term "negative" to represent a master negative. In records for microfiche, omit the size when it is standard (i.e., 11 x 15 cm.).
533 ## Microfiche. $b Glen Rock, N.J. : $c Microfilming Corp. of America, $d 1975. $e 66 microfiches.
533 ## Microfilm. $b Ann Arbor, Mich. : $c University Microfilms, $d 1966?-1980. $e 15 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
533 ## Microfiche. $b Zug, Switzerland : $c Inter Documentation Co., $d 1977- $e microfiches.
533 ## Microfilm. $b Millwood, N.Y. : $c KTO Microfilm, $d 1966. $e 5 microfilm reels : negative ; 35 mm. {commercial service copy}
533 ## Microfilm. $m v.8-13 (1906-1909) $b Washington, D.C. : $c Library of Congress Preservation Microfilming Service : $c Available from Library of Congress Photoduplicaton Service. $e microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
533 ## Microfilm. $m 1889-1903. $b Washington, D.C. : $c Library of Congress Preservation Microfilming Program : $c Available from Library of Congress Photoduplication Service. $e 4 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
{negative is not given because the record describes both positive and negative generations}
$f Series statement of reproduction.
If the reproduction is issued as part of a series, include the series statement in subfield $f. If the series is traced, supply the appropriate 8XX field. The series is enclosed by parentheses. When there is more than one series, enclose each in separate parentheses and repeat the subfield code.
533 ## Microfiche. $b Glen Rock, N.J. : $c Microfilming Corp. of America, $d 1975. $e 66 microfiches $f (The Gerritsen collection of women's history).
830 #0 Gerritsen collection of women's history.
533 ## Microfilm. $b Ann Arbor, Mich. : $c University Microfilms, $d 1966?-1980. $e 15 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. $f (Current periodical series ; publication no. 2313).
830 #0 Current periodical series.
533 ## Microfilm. $b Woodbridge, Conn. : $c Research Publications, Inc., $d 1982. $e 6 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. $f (History of photography periodicals ; P1).
830 #0 History of photography ; $v P1.
533 ## Microfilm. $b $m v.1-45 (1912-1956) $b Evanston, Ill. : $c Filmed for the Mennonite Historical Library by the American Theological Library Association, $d 1993. $e 14 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. $f (Mennonite serials collection) $f (ATLA serials preservation program ; ATLA film 1993-S016).
$n Note about reproduction.
Notes relating to any aspect of the reproduction are given in subfield $n. Notes are added at the end of the field, following subfield $f, but preceding subfield $7 (when used). The subfield code is repeated for each note.
533 ## Microfilm. $m 1935-1939. $b New York : $c New York University. $e 6 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. $n Missing pages. $n Some issues filmed out of order.
533 ## Microfilm. $m v.1-4:no.1 (1906-1924) $b Ithaca, N.Y. : $c Preservation Services of Cornell University. $e 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. $n Filmed with: Memoirs (Horticulture Society of New York).
533 ## Microfilm. $b Radnor, Pa. : $c Triangle Publications, $e microfilm reels ; 35 mm. $n Micropublisher varies: Vols. for 1988- published by: News America which purchased Triangle Publications.
$6 Linkage.
For instructions on the use of subfield $6, see field 880.
Related fields, etc.
008/23, 539, 776, Appendix M; CCM Module 32
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