Sunday, March 21, 2010

310 Current publication frequency (NR) 321 Former publication frequency (R)

First and second indicators
# Undefined
a Current/former publication frequency (NR)
b Date(s) of current/former publication frequency (NR)
6 Linkage (NR)
Fields 310 and 321 contain, respectively, the current and former frequencies. Field 310 is input in conjunction with field 008, character positions 18 (frequency) and 19 (regularity). These codes are based on the information stated in field 310 and should be coded after the 310 has been determined.
Field 321 can be used only when a current frequency is given in field 310.
According to LC/PCC practice (Cf. LCRI 12.7B1), field 310 is always input in CONSER full level records when the current frequency of a continuing resource is known. This is the case even when the fixed fields (008/18-19) adequately reflect the frequency of the item or when the frequency is stated in the title. Inputting field 310 is optional in CONSER core level records, although institutions may choose to make it mandatory in their local core level record policies. LC catalogers always input field 310 in LC core level records, as well as in full level record when the current frequency is known.
245 10 Annual report of the director.
310 ## Annual
For integrating resources, the term "updated" or "updates" is used with the frequency word to clarify that the resource itself does not have that frequency (see LCRI 12.7B1).
310 ## Continuously updated
Never use the term "frequency varies" in field 310. "Frequency varies" may be used in field 321 when more than three past frequencies are known. When using the term, provide inclusive dates in subfield $b of field 321 and always provide the current frequency in field 310.
310 ## Annual, $b 1985-
321 ## Frequency varies, $b 1948-1984
If multiple 321 fields exist in the record, delete them at the time the "frequency varies" note is added.
Editing instructions
For many years, CONSER instructions for editing field 310 and 321 were structured to format the fields into a single frequency note when output for the production of LC print products. In recognition of the fact that most OPACS display the 310 and 321 as separate frequency statements rather than in a single format note, the instructions were amended. The requirement to spell out the number only for the field that would be first in the frequency note was dropped in 2003.
1. Do not input a period at the end of any field.
2. Capitalize the first word in each field.
3. When more than one 321 field is given, input them in chronological order (earliest to latest) following field 310.
310 ## Annual, $b 1983-
321 ## Monthly, $b Mar. 1972-Dec. 1980
321 ## Semiannual, $b 1981-1982
310 ## Quarterly, $b Apr./June 1992-
321 ## Quarterly, $b 1982-1990
321 ## Monthly, $b 1991-Feb. 1992

$a Current/former publication frequency.
Input the complete statement of current or former frequency in subfield $a.
310 ## Monthly
310 ## Monthly, including annual cumulation
310 ## Bimonthly (monthly June-July)
310 ## Monthly, $b 1985-
321 ## Ten no. a year, $b 1982-1984
310 ## Monthly, $b Jan. 1984-
321 ## Frequency varies, $b 1966-1983
$b Date(s) of current/former publication frequency.
Subfield $b is used in field 310 when the date of current frequency is different from the beginning date of the publication and when a former frequency is given in field 321. If a serial has only a numerical rather than a chronological designation, the number is given in subfield $b. Subfield $b must be given in all 321 fields.
310 ## Annual, $b 1983-
321 ## Biennial, $b 1981/1982
362 0# 1981/1982-
310 ## Monthly, $b Nov. 1983-
321 ## Bimonthly, $b Apr./May 1980-Sept./Oct. 1983
310 ## Quarterly, $b
321 ## Bimonthly, $b
Apply the following conventions when inputting subfield $b.
1. Input a comma preceding subfield $b.
310 ## Monthly, $b Mar. 1984-
310 ## Bimonthly, $b
2. Uncertain data (a known date that may not be the earliest or latest) is enclosed in angle brackets and may be suppressed from printing on output.
310 ## Annual, $b <1984->
321 ## Semiannual, $b 1976-<1982>
3. When inputting only an ending date, leave no spaces before the closing date, except for the space following the subfield code. If only a portion of the date is known, leave an appropriate number of spaces for the missing portion.
310 ## Semiannual, $b -1984
321 ## Annual, $b 198 -
321 ## Monthly, $b 19 -
$6 Linkage.
For instructions on the use of subfield $6, see field 880.
Related fields, etc.

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