Friday, March 19, 2010

20X-24X Title and Title-Related Fields

210 Abbreviated title (R)
First indicator–Title added entry
0 No title added entry
1 Title added entry *
Second indicator
# Abbreviated key title
0 Other abbreviated title
a Abbreviated title (NR)
b Qualifying information (NR)
2 Source (R)
6 Linkage (NR)
Field 210 contains a title of the serial as abbreviated for purposes of indexing or identification. An abbreviated key title is supplied by ISSN centers, based on the Key Title, field 222. Other abbreviated titles are supplied by cataloging agencies, including abstracting and indexing services. The abbreviated title may be created by the agency supplying the field or it may be take from the piece.
CONSER members do not input abbreviated key titles for U.S. or Canadian imprints. Abbreviated key titles for foreign imprints that have been verified in the ISSN Register, ISSN Compact, or ISSN Online may be input by CONSER members (see C6.4.).
Editing instructions
1. Do not input initial articles.
2. Follow guidelines for capitalization of key titles.
3. Do not add other terminal punctuation unless the field ends with an abbreviation or a closing parenthesis.
First indicator

0 No title added entry.
Value "0" indicates that no title added entry is to be generated. For abbreviated key titles assigned by NSDP and ISSN Canada the first indicator value should always be 0.
1 Title added entry.
Value "1" indicates that a title added entry is to be generated.
Second indicator

# Abbreviated key title.
The abbreviated key title is assigned by NSDP and ISSN Canada under the auspices of the ISSN Network and in accordance with ISO 4, Documentation - Rules for the Abbreviation of Title Words and Titles of Publications and List of Serial Title Word Abbreviations.
0 Other Abbreviated title.
Value 0 indicates that the abbreviated title is other than an abbreviated key title.

$a Abbreviated title.
Subfield $a contains the complete abbreviated title.
210 0# Manage. improv. cost reduct. goals
222 #0 Management improvement and cost reduction goals
210 0# Surg. clin. North Am.
222 #4 The Surgical clinics of North America
$b Qualifying information.
When qualifying information is present in the key title, give it also, in the appropriate abbreviated form, in field 210. Input the qualifier in parentheses.
210 0# Plant prot. bull. $b (Faridabad)
222 #0 Plant protection bulletin $b (Faridabad)
210 0# Annu. rep. - Dep. Public Welfare $b (Chic.)
222 #0 Annual report - Department of Public Welfare $b (Chicago)
$2 Source.
Subfield $2 contains the MARC code that identifies the source list for the abbreviated title, if the source is known. It is used primarily when the second indicator position contains value "0". It may also be added when the second indicator contains value blank and another abbreviated title list uses the same abbreviation as the abbreviated key title. The source of the MARC code is the MARC Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions that is maintained by the Library of Congress.
210 00 JAMA $2 dnlm
210 0# JAMA j. Am. Med. Assoc.
$6 Linkage.
For instructions on the use of $6, see field 880.
Related fields, etc.
022, 222

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