Friday, March 19, 2010

490 Series statement (R)

First indicator–Specifies whether series is traced
0 Series not traced
1 Series traced
Second indicator
# Undefined
a Series statement (R)
l Library of Congress call number (NR) [LC use only]
v Volume number/sequential designation (R)
3 Materials specified (NR)
x International Standard Serial Number (NR)
6 Linkage (NR)
Field 490 contains a series statement as it appears on the piece(s) being cataloged. Field 490 does not serve as a series added entry.
CONSER standard record (CSR) cataloging practice:

It is not required to search the authority file for series authority records, or to create or update series authority records for a series statement being recorded in field 490 0#.

A series statement (490 0#) is required when a formal series added entry (8XX) is not included the bibliographic record.

It is not required to record a series statement in field 490 or 5XX when a series added entry (8XX) is included in the bibliographic record even when the established form of the series heading differs from the series statement appearing on the item. Differing forms of the series statement that are significant should be included in a series authority record.
Editing instructions
1. Initial articles are input.
2. Terminal punctuation is not input.
3. Parentheses enclosing the field may be system generated; they should not be input.
First indicator
The first indicator specifies whether the series has no corresponding added entry or has a corresponding 800-830 series added entry field.
Value "0" is used when no series added entry is included for the series in the bibliographic record.
490 0# Arthur Frommer's $-a-day guides
490 0# Official register of Princeton University
490 0# Pelican books
Value "1" was redefined in 2008 from "series traced differently" to "series traced." Indicator 1 was used in situations where the transcribed form and the traced form were different. The following examples are being retained here to help catalogers interpret records coded before 2007 or for when they chose to transcribe the series statement in field 490/1 in addition to providing the series added entry in field 8XX.
1. The series is to be traced with a uniform title in field 830 (e.g., a parenthetical qualifier is added to the title).
490 1# Uniform crime reports
830 #0 Uniform crime reports (Washington, D.C.)
2. The series is to be traced under a personal, conference or corporate name in field 800-811.
490 1# Department of the Treasury document
810 1# United States. $b Dept. of the Treasury. $t Department of the Treasury document.
3. The series appears on the piece in a form different from the established series tracing without constituting a major change in title.
490 1# Department of the Army pamphlet ; $v 27-50
830 #0 DA pam ; $v 27-50.
4. Information in the series statement is not to be included in the series tracing (excluding the ISSN). This includes:
a. Dates or volume numbers preceding the series title.
b. Parallel titles.
c. Other title information.
d. Statement of responsibility.
e. Call numbers added by the Library of Congress.
490 1# $3 <1981->: $a Reference works
830 #0 Reference works.
490 1# Publication / Financial Publishing Company ; $v no. 185
830 #0 Publication (Financial Publishing Company) ; $v no. 185.
5. The series statement consists of a numbered main series and a subseries and either or both are to be traced separately.
490 1# Department of State publication ; $v 7846. $a Department and Foreign Service series ; $v 128
830 #0 Department of State publication ; $v 7846.
830 #0 Department of State publication. $p Department and Foreign Service series ; $v 128.
Input field 490 subfields in the following order: $3, $a, $x, $v, $l, $6.
$a Series statement.
Subfield $a contains the title proper as it appears on the piece, and may also contain a statement of responsibility, other title information, or dates or volume numbers preceding the title. Note that designations and/or names of parts do not require separate subfields.
490 0# Colección Arqueología y paleontología. Serie Arqueología aragonesa. Memorias
490 0# Bulletin / U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
490 0# Words : their origin, use and spelling
Subfield $a is repeated when the subseries is separated from the main series by the numbering of the main series in subfield $v or the ISSN in subfield $x. Each parallel title is also input in a separate subfield $a.
490 0# Department of State publication ; $v 7846. $a Department and Foreign Service series ; $v 128
490 0# Annual census of manufactures = $a Recensement des manufactures, $x 0315-5587
490 0# JARE data reports, $x 0075-3343. $a Meteorology
$3 Materials specified.
When a serial has been issued within a series during part of its lifespan, the date or volume numbers representing that span should precede the title. This information should also be added when the serial has been issued in different series during different periods, or in a series whose title has changed. When the exact beginning and/or ending data is unknown, the earliest/latest dates or volume numbers are input in angle brackets.
490 0# $3 <1984->: $a Miscellaneous publication / United States Department of Agriculture
490 0# $3 1945-1949: $a Bulletin of the School of Education, Indiana University ; $v 26, no. 4
490 0# $3 1950-1968: $a Thesis abstract series
490 0# $3 1958/59-1971/72: $a Research report / National Education Association of the United States, Research Division
490 0# $3 1972/73-<1975-76>: $a Research report / National Education Association of the United States, Research Division
490 0# $3 1981/82- : $a NEA research memo
When an ending date is given alone, begin the field with the hyphen. Do not input leading spaces.
490 0# $3 -1978: $a DHEW publication ; $v no. (NIOSH)
490 0# $3 -3: $a Government finances
Record varying forms of the series appearing on different parts or issues of the serial in multiple 490 0# fields only if they differ substantially from the series statement and if they contribute to the further identification of and access to the serial.
490 0# $3 -2: $a Language et litterature
490 0# $3 3- : $a Language and literature
$l Library of Congress call number.
When the serial is issued within a series during part of its life and has been classified under the call number of that series, the call number is input in subfield $1, enclosed in parentheses. This information is input by the Library of Congress only.
490 1# $3 1973- : $a NEA research memo $l (LB2842.N18)
490 1# Bulletin / Engineering Experiment Station ; $v no. 50 $l (TA7.074)
On June 1, 2006, the Library of Congress implemented its decision not to create/update series authority records and not to provide controlled series access points in its bibliographic records for resources in series. One of the exceptions listed at Series at the Library of Congress: June 1, 2006 (URL: is LC shelflist records missing in LC's database now being input to the database. The records will reflect the existing series decisions (i.e., presence or absence of controlled series access point; a classed-separately or a classed-as-a-collection call number) at the time the resource was cataloged originally.
$v Volume number/sequential designation.
In general, subfield $v is used when the series numbering or part of the numbering remains constant on each issue of the serial. When input, subfield $v is preceded by a space-semicolon- space ( ; ).
490 0# $3 <1970>: $a Publication / Financial Publishing Company ; $v no. 185
490 0# Publication / State of Utah, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Resources, $x 0272-2496 ; $v no. 76-5
$x International Standard Serial Number.
The ISSN may be input in the series statement, preceded by a comma, when it appears on the piece. For further instructions, see field 440.
490 0# Geological correlation, $x 0302-069X
490 0# Tilastotiedotus. KT / Tilastokeskus = $a Statistisk rapport. KT / Statistikcentralen, $x 0355-2276
490 0# JARE data reports, $x 0075-3343. $a Meteorology
$6 Linkage.
For instructions on the use of subfield $6, see Field 880.
Related fields, etc.
050, Series--General Information, 800-830

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